The Beyond Bible, Sales Document

In all audiovisual production, and more in science fiction, there must be a sales document. Although it has been made to wait we finally have that document, The Beyond bible.

Today we present the Beyond Bible, which together with the teaser that will be planned for the year 2019 and the different expressions, around animation, we hope to achieve the attention that this great project deserves.

The Beyond Bible.

The beyond bible

Like all series Bibles, this document expresses the technical data of the project and is the same that accompanies all sales intentions.

This point will undoubtedly be the starting gun for the audiovisual production career of the series project, led by Carlos Lorite, creator of the project. Accompanied by a long list of professionals who are contributing their day-to-day effort to the global project.

We can not forget that with a project of this nature you have to be patient, without a doubt the fans will surely appreciate the wait for each part of its content.

In future posts we can include a version of the audiovisual bible adapted for the occasion, in order to enjoy the entire process of this adventure.

Beyond Space teasers

Once this document is finished and duly registered, it is time to dedicate 100% to teasers or samples. In the first instance, due executive production will be created, although they are already underway.

We hope that soon we can start enjoying them. Of course the fans who are already part of our family will be able to find out exclusively, as well as see it before anyone else, so if you are not subscribed, don’t wait any longer, subscribe.

Beyond Space pitchin

Finally we must not forget an important point added to the audiovisual bible and it is the pitchin, a presentation for executive producers and other stakeholders from all networks and platforms.

A presentation that either in images or in words shows how the project could look.

Without a doubt, when we have the first pitchin we will publish it on the web, so stay tuned.

So far the post of which dedicates a few words to the sales document of The Beyond. Stay tuned for all the news and follow the progress also on social networks.

Carlos Lorite
*images obtained from

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