Leaders of ABIC Corporation

Today we introduce two more characters from the Beyond Space project. The leaders of Abic Corporation. One of the world’s most advanced corporations Beyond Space project, primarily dedicated to creating cutting-edge technology, researching and cataloging species and planets, and other related businesses.

On the one hand at Abic Corporation we have its scientific part dedicated to pragmatic work, and on the other to its military part, dedicated to piloting its so famous fleet, as well as testing all the technological advances that it is capable of bringing to market.

Leaders of ABIC Corporation


Leaders of the ABIC Corporation, Melnik

In the military part we find this experienced Admiral, who runs the section with a firm hand.

Admiral of the ABIC fleet corp., a corpulent man, forged in endless battles, with complete bodily modifications, presents a recomposition of spirit on a prosthetic cybernetic body with his mind backed up on ABIC computers every time that it is necessary, with more than 1000 years of life, Melnik is an unforgiving military man. He is one of the few survivors of the last great ground coalition army.

Big, corpulent man, with impeccable presence and always spotless suit. Straight, implacable, leader, strategist, he doesn’t mind staining his hands always followed by his faithful elite squad.

Scientific head of Abic Corp.


Leaders of the ABIC Corporation, Zizek

On the scientific side, we meet Zizek, a man dedicated body and soul to scientific advancement as well as the company, being part of it from his various cyber connections.

Man, scientist with a great reputation whose devotion is to work for ABIC. Zizek has several cybernetic modification implants, to always be connected to the ship and the ABIC corp. central computer.

Short, dark man, full of implants and visible modifications, all in pursuit of science. Devout, introverted, full of information and always connected to his virtual research world

So far the new characters of the Beyonds Space Project, in successive posts we will get to know more characters, investigate the companies and discover the incredible world of spaceships.

Carlos Lorite

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