News and new website for 2021

At last it has arrived, news and a new website for 2021. In this post we tell everything about this new website and the news that is coming up in the project.

We can now visit our new website, Beyond Space Project. In this case, the web is the Launcher of the global project, which will take us in each of our sections of expression, video, literature, video games, music, concepts and photography.

News and new website for 2021

Within the artistic expression sections we will be able to see in each of these the advances within them, and where they are encompassed, with different projects and different situations within World Beyond.

World beyond

This is the main novelty of the web, we will shortly introduce World Beyond, which in turn will be complemented with a WIKI. Inside World Beyond we can see a great timeline to place each of the artistic expressions, in this great timeline and thus be able to follow or not the chronological order.

In turn, the WIKI, which will be one more extension of the Beyond project, will bring us all the definitions of the concepts, places, ships, unions, grouping, characters and everything that has to do with the Beyond Space Project.

Premium content.

We will make available a lot of Beyond Space Project content, but apart from the great expressions, such as Beyond A Thousand Worlds, The Beyond or Beyond The lost Sounds, they will be premium content.

This means that we will collect it in the payment section of the web, which will be available as soon as possible, so that everyone can already enjoy the content of the story, itself.

Through this Premium content that will be made for a monthly fee, or a single annual payment, we will also have discounts on merchandising and other expressions such as the Beyond The Soul canvases