New franchise, Tales beyond the stars – Podcast

It’s here, our new season has arrived loaded with content unlocking several franchises, the first of which is called Tales Beyond The Stars.

Tales beyond the stars – Podcast

In this case, we present a franchise in podcast format that will tell us about the core, or main, history of the world of Eons of Evolution. All in order to better understand this vast universe in which the human being has colonized the stars and in which he has encountered endless vicissitudes.

The podcast will be divided into two parts, the first in a cut of 10 podcasts that are published in English and Spanish through various platforms and of course the Eons of Evolution website, and the second, which consists of another ten chapters that may revolve around a single character or that will follow the dynamics of complementary stories from the first part.

With a date to be confirmed the rest of the content and you will have to discover it by supporting this franchise and of course supporting it through our website or podcast platforms.

We will keep reporting and remember. At the last frontier, fight, evolve and keep going.

🪐➔ Eons Of Evolution ⏩